Thursday, June 17, 2010

Walk Now For Autism Speaks.

This past weekend, I participated in the Walk Now for Autism Speaks 2010. It was held at the South Street Seaport in the city.
At soon as I arrived, I registered and was notified of my donations amount. Because of the money I raised, I received a free t-shirt. I put it on right away. Many families were there with heart touching t-shirts and signs supporting there loved ones with autism. I was there for my cousin Kelvin, who I held to my heart dearly during the whole walk. The walk was 1.3 miles around the seaport and when the end came, people we're cheering and yelling congratulations. It was such a great feeling to have done that.

Together, NYC raised $870,00 (& still counting). Thank you to everyone who helped out with donations! Truly appreciate it!

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