Sunday, June 13, 2010

Visit to my old school, Our Lady of Sorrows.

Our Lady of Sorrows, my middle school, welcomed me on June 9th. The school had an assembly where I had the chance to talk to the students on following their dreams and staying focused. The students were all happy to see an alumni as a pageant winner. After my speech, the students had the chance to ask questions. The younger ones were really curious and asked the most questions haha. After the assembly, I was asked to visit the classes one by one and see the teachers & students. The students were all so excited to me especially the 7th and 8th graders. The kindergarden class called me the "pretty princess" which brought me to smiles. I spent lots of time signing autographs for all the students and answering most of their questions. It was great to see a lot of my past teachers and they were all so proud of my accomplishments. I know I'll be back to visit again and I can't wait till then !

1 comment:

  1. I hope you enjoyed your visit at Our Lady of Sorrows! Your speech really inspired me, and I hope you'll come back before I graduate :D
    I don't know if you'll find this weird, but my mom said we used to live in the same apartment. I was the little baby girl with a 5 year old brother... Anyway, I really hope to see you again.
