Sunday, June 13, 2010

StandOut Titleholders Retreat!

In January, titleholders had the opportunity to go to a retreat in Lynchburg, VA. I wasn't too sure about attending but finally decided to book my flight and go. That had to be one of the best decisions of my life. My flight was connecting in a different state and off the bat, I met some girls there. We all finally arrived in the little airport of Lynchburg, VA. There waiting for us was the team from StandOut Retreat including Chelsea Cooley Altman & At Dunn. They were all so welcoming and happy to see us. We all got into the trucks and were taken to the ranch where we would be staying for the weekend. The first night was roller skating rink and what a blast. We had a competition between Teen's and Misses. I was DEFINITELY not a good skater, I just kept falling but it was funny.
That weekend was filled with things like paint ball, rock climbing, zip lining, horse back riding, leap of faith, and other ranch activities. We had a baby shower for Chelsea. We even had a bonfire, teens alone, where we got to really know each other.
This retreat also helped a lot in preparing for the nationals with walk lessons, mock interviews, personalized fitness routines, and so much more.
I can't ever forget the girls after that weekend; we all obtained a stronger bond with each other. Especially with our roommates; my roommates were Miss Pennsylvania Teen and Miss Vermont Teen. Besides our little fear of the bugs in our cabin haha, we didn't have one problem with each other.
That weekend was just one unforgettable weekend! Thank you to the StandOut Productions crew for the wonderful experience and showing me a whole different mindset to preparing for the nationals!

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