Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Miss Manhattan & Miss Manhattan Teen.

Two weekends ago, I crowned the new Miss Manhattan Teen. I was asked to crown her weeks before and agreed to it with such excitement. The pageant was in honor of a baby who passed away named Sebastian. What a great cause and it showed everyone that pageants isn't only about the glamour. The night arrived and I was a little late thanks to NYC traffic. I remember having to rush to my dorm to pick up my sash and the cab I was riding in was stuck in the slowest traffic ever. I arrived at the place but I made it just it time to see the show. I took my seat right behind the judges and the girls competing had to introduce themselves. It took me back to memory lane because I could imagine the nerves & butterflies these girls had. I had to experience it twice. Miss New York USA 2009, Tracey Chang, was there making an appearance too. First was swimsuit and the girls strutted their stuff. After was gown and might I say, each dress was elegant and I wanted to take some home with me. To my surprise, the producer of the pageant, Rene, said if I would take the honor of being crowned the honorary Miss Manhattan Teen. Of course I said yes! Before they called Top 5, Tracey and I were crowned with the cutest crowns and given a small bouquet of flowers. It was such an honor. I forgot to mention that my pictures were all over the program book for the pageant :D I loved that! After my small crowning, the Top 5 were called. Then after that, the winner was called. Here are your results and I'll be seeing you girls in November as they compete for Miss NY USA and Miss NY Teen USA:

Miss Manhattan 2011 - Gunjan Sewhan

Miss Manhattan Teen 2011 - Lisa E. Drouillard

Good luck! and congrats on your winning!

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