Sunday, May 23, 2010

So November 29, 2009 I was crowned Miss NY Teen 2010. It was all hard work preparing for swimsuit, evening gown, and interview. Anytime anyone asks me why do I think I won? I answer with the same answer: "I was myself, my real self and very confident in myself." I felt like I dreaming. When I heard my name called as I stood there holding hands with the finalists, I felt my heart just stop and my mind just started yelling "you won! you won!" Nothing at that moment could have made me happier. What a blessing this has been. With the Miss Teen USA Pageant just months away, where I'll be reperesenting New York, I will take you on my journey.

1 comment:

  1. Aww this is great! I was going to suggest you do a blog but I was afraid you might say no -_-I am glad you did !
